Sex Worker Legal Program
Sex work is real work. Sex workers have rights. We can support you. Interpreters available.
성노동은 정당한 노동입니다. 성노동자들은 권리를 가지고 있습니다. 저희가 여러분을 지원해드릴 수 있습니다. 통역사 이용이 가능합니다. 한국어로 자세히 보.
Công việc về tình dục là công việc thực sự. Người lao động tình dục có các quyền. Chúng tôi có thể hỗ trợ quý vị. Có sẵn thông dịch viên. Đọc thêm bằng tiếng Việt.
งานบริการทางเพศเป็นงานจริง ผู้ค้าบริการทางเพศมีสิทธิต่าง ๆ เราสามารถช่วยเหลือคุณได้ มีล่ามให้บริการ อ่านเพิ่มเติมในภาษาไทย
Sex Worker Legal Program at Southside Justice
The Sex Worker Legal Program offers free legal advice, information and referrals to sex workers in Victoria, and ongoing assistance to those who need it most.
We focus on:
- Discrimination law: Have you been treated differently or unfairly because you’re a sex worker, or because of your race or gender? For example, by your rental provider, employer or bank?
- Workplace rights: Are you being harassed, underpaid or treated unfairly in the workplace?
- Workers who remain criminalised or who face multiple barriers to accessing justice: Are you a street-based sex worker? Do you experience mental illness, disability, homelessness, family violence or substance use issues?
What sex workers can expect when engaging with our service
- We recognise people who use our service – and all sex workers – as the experts in their own lives, and we respect their autonomy as decision makers.
- We are trustworthy and independent advocates led by the goals of those we assist.
- We are sex work affirmative and strive to be accessible and culturally safe for all sex workers.
- We live our principles and are proud, accountable and always learning.
How to access the program to seek legal advice, information or make a referral
- Contact Southside Justice’s reception on 03 7037 3200 and follow the prompts to speak with our intake worker or leave a message.
- If you speak another language call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask to speak to Southside Justice on (03) 7037 3200.
- Email us in your own language to with your name, date of birth, contact number, language you speak and a suitable time to call you with an interpreter from Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm.
- To refer someone else with their consent, click here and complete the referral form.
Sex Work Decriminalisation
The Sex Work Decriminalisation Act 2022 came into full effect on 1 December 2023. Sex Work Decriminalisation brought important new anti-discrimination legal protections to Victoria. Decriminalisation recognises sex work as legitimate work and enables sex workers to engage their rights as workers and community members in a way not previously possible.
Legal information
- Vixen’s decriminalisation info hub
- Consumer Affairs Victoria
- Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)’s Sex work discrimination Guideline
Our story
Southside Justice has been working with sex workers to provide legal help and advocacy to sex workers for over 50 years.
We now partner with Vixen, Victoria’s peer sex worker organisation, to continue this work, and have established the Sex Worker Legal Program following the passage of the Sex Work Decriminalisation Act 2022 (Vic). We ensure sex workers’ voices shape our service and inform everything we do.
While we have received some funding from government, our services are independent and confidential.
Our impact
We are committed to continuous Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in the Sex Worker Legal Program. The program is guided by a MEL framework to ensure we understand outcomes and impact of our work.
Read our 18-month Sex Worker Legal Program Impact Report here.