New name, new look: the designers behind the magic

In 2022, and amid a COVID haze, we secured a new home with the generous support of a social impact investor (we’ll feature this story in the next e-news). With the impending move, we engaged Anna from Design by Nature to help us explore a new name and new look.
Through a co-design workshop process, the name Southside Justice emerged. We consulted further with the board, staff, clients, and key stakeholders, where it was universally accepted that Southside Justice felt like a better representation of the community we work with in St Kilda, but also the other 26 suburbs in our catchment.
The Southside Justice logo comprises two half circles pointing south, representing the south side, and a whole circle representing justice.
Anna and the Design by Nature team extended this concept into a variety of graphic shapes which are pulled from the catchment area’s landscape and architecture.
Design by Nature is grounded in purpose and it was an absolute pleasure collaborating with Anna and the Design By Nature team on this important project!
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